I'm going to fail my prelims. I can see it. Right now I only left with 2 papers. Science Paper 1(MCQ) and Paper 5(practical). I'm not even sure about my practical, and there's no way for me to practice it. Argh..
I just found the chords that I need for cell group tomorrow, but haven't try out the chords. These chords are found in the forums so not too sure if it's reliable.
I'm also kinda sick these few days. Liters of phlegm are in my body. I'm not too sure if I can help Wai Yin to bring up the atmosphere by singing. But I'll try. Just pray that I'm healed, and the whole cell group as well. They are the ones that bring down the presence of God. I am only there to motivate you guys.
And I was suppose to be at Shelby's house playing with her kitten, Sushi. But unfortunately Shindy fell sick and we postpone it to later date. But I'll be going for bible study later. It'll be great I tell you.
I'll off to play my guitar now. Bye.