There isn't anything to post about today. I'm just here to notify everyone that my blog start up again.
By the way, these few days have been really tough for me. I can actually feel being stretched and that everyone around me is pushing in to encourage me while on the verge of giving up on me. I really appreciate these people a lot and really don't want to put all your efforts to waste. This time is very different from the encouragements given in the past, but this time, everything and everyone come pushing and encouraging this big guy at the same time. I am impressed, amazed and moved by this. Surely this is beyond the ordinary, this is God's doing I'm trying my best now not to forsake everyone's hope one me.
I'll try to keep you guys updated on this blog and if you have any encouraging words or quotes to tell me regarding any post, for instance this one, tell me using the comments so I can keep track of it and come back to be inspired again and again in the future. Thanks.