I am back once again. Not a lot of stuff happened, just that I sprained my ankle when I was playing basketball, and this took longer than the ones I had before to heal. It has been roughly a week since then and I can still fell the pain. I even ran for my 2.4km run with it. Good thing it does not hurt when I was running. Perhaps it was because I was walking then. But I think I did manage to get a pass for it, just a pass will do.
As for my confidence level, I am building it up slowly once again. I believe that my confidence this time will not falter, at least not any time soon. I am trying to bring up my favor in singing once again as well. Or maybe not the favor but the yearn to improve. Hold on, not just only will I improve on my singing, but my studies and my motivation. Though the motivation part have to put some effort into it.
I too want to improve my relationship with people and God. But I have to apologize to some people that I have done wrong to by staying silent and giving some sort of attitude problem. I just wanted to calm down a bit and sort out some of the things, just like the past. And about not being open up to you guys, there are some things that I am not ready to let it out to you guys. I know it sound kinda selfish but I will try as these things takes time. Sometimes I just do not know how to bring it up to you guys. Sorry.
And lastly about today, Boon Kim drove me up the walls when he kept asking teacher questions and chatting with her. I eventually quit doing the paper though there were questions left unread.
But sincere apologies to those in the class when I showed an attitude problem just now.
These are just random pictures
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
I am back. My apologies for not blogging for such a long time. I did not have any chance to use the computer for the past few days. I gonna skip the long stories. All I have to say now is that I am kinda stressed up in school. Having my Ez-link card confiscated, teachers demands, and my mum having to come to school tomorrow to meet the teachers to collect my report book makes me really distressed. The worst thing is that I cannot go for any of the prayer meetings this week.
I have also grown fatter these few days. Actually, I have seen it coming as I am not doing anything. Most probably I will start exercising again.
Time seems to be running very fast in secondary 5 life. Even though the hardships are there for our good, but is it not too much? Assignments cannot be finished even if I make an effort to do them. Sometimes I truly think that it might b better if I self study at home. But teachers have yet to finish the syllabus. All I want now is some breathing space, is that too much to ask for? But I do believe that things are going to turn out well.